Out of the Shadows and Into the Light - Digital Book

Out of the Shadows and Into the Light - Digital Book


Digital booklet, containing personal stories, song lyrics & photos, offering the deepest level of detail and insight into my personal journey of connection and growth.

My songs are the outward expression of a deep inner process. Each song is a marker along the route of a steady climb away from the pain of disconnection, towards the joy of a more loving, peaceful life.

I am always working to try and overcome my fears, mistrust, disbelief and I have received so much light, inspiration, wisdom and generosity from others, plus insight into my own potential, from reading other people’s authentic tales of overcoming inner and outer obstacles and challenges. Now, I feel called to share my own.

Making sense of my narrative has enabled me to turn around and face my shadows. Unblock and heal those areas that have kept me stuck. Descend into the darkness and find the chinks of light that highlight the path through the pain, towards the joy. Crafting stories and songs helps me to integrate, connect the dots, see the bigger picture, grow and learn more deeply.

I hope there may be a piece of inspiration and strength in these stories for you, wherever you are on your own journey.

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Love and Light